Citation Style Editor
Journal of Biochemical and Clinical Genetics

Order of Blocks

Authors' Names
Surname followed by name initials, comma separated.  e.g. "Choi JH, Lindsey-Boltz LA, Sancar A"
Surname followed by name initials, semicolon separated.  e.g. "Choi JH; Lindsey-Boltz LA; Sancar A"
Name initials followed by surname, comma separated.  e.g. "JH Choi, LA Lindsey-Boltz, A Sancar"
Name initials followed by surname, semicolon separated.  e.g. "JH Choi; LA Lindsey-Boltz; A Sancar"
Surname followed by forename, comma separated.  e.g. "Choi Jun-Hyuk, Laura A Lindsey-Boltz, Sancar Aziz"
Forename/name initials options Do not add period after name initials  e.g. "Choi JH"
Add period after name initials  e.g. "Choi J.H."
Add period after name initials and use comma&space as name initials&surname separator  e.g. "Choi, J.H." or "J.H., Choi"
Add period after name initials and use comma without space as name initials&surname separator  e.g. "Choi,J.H." or "J.H.,Choi"
Add period&space after name initials and use comma&space as name initials&surname separator  e.g. "Choi, J. H." or "J. H., Choi"
Add comma between surname and forename (valid if name initials are not used)e.g. "Choi, Jun-Hyuk, Laura A, Lindsey-Boltz, Sancar, Aziz"
Display all of the authors' names on the "authors' list".
Display all of the authors' names & insert 'and' before the last author at all times.
Use APA style "authors' list".
Use MLA style "authors' list".
Do not display all of the authors' names if there are more than authors.
"et al" options Add at the end of authors' list and display only the first authors' name(s).

Extras for the last author
Add before the last author where "et al" is not necessary.

Font effects for "et al"
Make "et al" italic. Make "et al" italic&bold. Do not set any font effects.

Use as "Authors' Names" section separator.

Article Title
Do not set any font effects for "article title". e.g. "Ultrafast dynamics of flavins in five redox states."
Make "article title" bold. e.g. "Ultrafast dynamics of flavins in five redox states"
Use double quotation marks for "article title" (as in the MLA style). e.g. ' "Ultrafast dynamics of flavins in five redox states." '

Use as "Article Title" section separator.

Journal Name
Use full "journal name".  e.g. "Nature Communications"
Use abbreviated "journal name".  e.g. "Nat Commun"
Abbreviation options Add period after every abbreviated word in "journal name".  e.g. "Nat. Commun."

Font effects for "journal name"
Make "journal name" italic. Make "journal name" italic&bold. Do not set any font effects.

Use as "Journal Name" section separator.

Publication Year
Display "publication year" in parentheses. e.g. " (2018)"
Display "publication year" without parentheses. e.g. " 2018"
Display "publication year&month" without parentheses. e.g. "2018 May"
Display "publication year, month,&day" without parentheses. e.g. "2018 May 5"

Make "publication year" bold.  e.g. "2018" or "(2018)"

Use as "Publication Year" section separator.

Volume/Issue Number
Page Numbers
Display full page number info. e.g. "1255-1278"
Omit repeating digits in page number info. e.g. "1255-78"

Use as "Page Numbers" section separator.

PMID inclusion in the citation

DOI options

Display PubMed Central ID (PMCID), if present. e.g. "PMCID:PMC1948916"